1986 First meeting with Talon 7/9/86 #4

1986 7-9 talon27

Originally uploaded by yeimaya.
After a while she dove and we could see her white flippers glowing a beautiful green beneath the surface of the nutrient rich water. Everybody hung over the side following her as she led them to the stern of the boat. The stern was closer to the water with lower rails and people had a more intimate view of her as she slowly rose to the surface, her blow so close that we were sprayed with the mist.

She waggled her head back and forth above the water, spy hopping, turning this way and that perhaps to get a better view of us or give us a better one of her. She was SO close to the outstretched hands but knew in some uncanny way what was JUST out of reach. I am constantly amazed at how self aware whales appear to be. Again and again I have seen how well they know where every inch of their 45 foot body and 15 foot flippers are. Brushing gently by one another, or keeping us at just the right distance!

We set up turns and a buddy system so everyone had a chance at the rail and the person behind them hung onto their belts so they wouldn't topple in.