1987 8/26 Fissure first sighting #2

87 8-26 Fissurecalf11 web
Originally uploaded by yeimaya.
Fissure didn't seem the slightest bit interested in us. It looked like he was enjoying the little calf. In the left side of this picture you can see the right half of his fluke sticking up. He is rolled on his left side with his nose probably quite close to the little calf. Its dorsal is poking out of the water.

If you look really carefully (perhaps click on the link back to flickr), you can see the light green water caused by the white of his flipper and a big flat "foot print" from the upsweep of the mother's tail. I think she is just in front of her calf, but it is hard to tell.

That is one of the frustrations and fascinations of studying a marine animal... the majority of the important behaviors happen under water out of sight!