1987 8/26 Fissure first sighting

87 8-26 Fissure10 web
Originally uploaded by yeimaya.
After a long July with no Humpbacks, they finally began filtering into the Jeffrey's Ledge area. A couple this day a couple that until by the end of August we would see several at a time. Many of them were mothers with their calves.

On August 26th we were overwelmed by things to watch. Three or four Minke's and at least three finbacks zooming around popping up unpredictably, Dolphin riding our bow and six humpbacks within view! Two mother and calf pairs among them.

And there was Fissure tagging along with Sargent and her calf. Sargent's dorsal is on the right, her tiny calf on the left. They stayed very close together.